Lest We Forget…..

November 11th marks a day of collective remembrance for those who have fallen in the line of duty and service to their country. Therefore, we ask that no matter where you are on the 11th hour of this 11th day in the 11th month you allow yourself two minutes of silence to honour the bravery and sacrifices given by so many in hopes of securing a future of freedom for generations to come.

To our wreath bearers today, Matt Kohanik (2nd V.P.) and D’Laine Gallagher (Trustee) we “Thank you” for representing CUPE 411 at our two local cenotaphs in commemoration and gratitude for the heroism of those warriors that put service before self.  We hope that other members and their families are able to join and bear witness in these ceremonies that allow us to recall the past in hopes of creating a better future……

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste death but once.” William Shakespeare

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive