IMPORTANT – K-12 Update

Good Evening Members,

The CUPE K-12 Committee is looking for feedback from members across the province with regards to the work they do in their specific School District.

These on-line meetings are starting tomorrow night and are open for any CUPE member to attend, but you must register.

Please use the link below to view the meeting dates/times as well as the group composition (i.e. Bussing, Trades, EA;s, etc..).

Join the conversation and share your priorities about your work and public education

This is your opportunity share your priorities about your work and public education.  Decisions that affect our workplaces should always take into consideration the workers perspective as we are the ones on the front-line and experience first hand the good, the bad and the ugly of public education.  As Union advocates we believe that your voice matters, and we encourage members to take the time to be heard so that any changes that might be coming will be advantageous to everyone in K-12 and not just a select few.

NOTEAs a result of these on-line meetings, we will be delaying our Bargaining Committee Elections by at least a week so we can reschedule any conflicts with the above meetings.  Another email will go out to the members as soon as we have confirmed the dates for each division meeting.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive