CUPE 411 – New C.A. Language – Update No.5

The Clerical Hours Fund is the final fund from the new Service Improvement language and was created in an effort to address clerical workloads at specific times of the year.

The committee decided to allocate these funds to support enrolling sites during September and June in the following ways:

  1. Sites that have one clerical that does not work seven (7) hours a day will have the opportunity to work a full seven (7) hours per day.
  2. Sites that have one clerical will have have the opportunity to have a casual clerical assigned to their site for seven (7) hours one day per week.
  3. Sites that have multiple clerical members, but where some of those members do not work a seven (7) hour day will have the opportunity to increase their time to seven (7) hours per day.

The time being used to top-up clerical hours is for permanent members, the additional time cannot be used to put members into a position of overtime, and the increase in time is optional; members should have made their intentions clear on the letter they received from the District in June of 2020.

Should clerical have any questions or concerns about this fund we would ask that you direct them to the Union office for immediate attention.

Furthermore, we are always looking for feedback from our members, especially when it comes to new language, such as we have here with Article 22.  If you would like to share your opinions with us on any of these funds we would welcome them and ask that you contact the Union office by way of phone (604-392-1411) or email (

In Solidarity