Member Update for October 4, 2020

Good Evening Members,

It has come to the Union’s attention that many sites are not having their E.A.’s replaced when the permanent members are absent.  The Employer has advised the Union that all available casual E.A.’s are being assigned to replace our permanent members on a daily basis, therefore if casual members are not receiving callouts from the replacement desk you are asked to contact the District office to confirm your contact information is correct.  For our permanent members, if you are absent from work and are not being replaced the Union would like to hear from you.  Please feel free to call 604-392-1411 or email,, and provide us with your name, position, site, hours of work, and date.  Other members have expressed that the lack of casual replacements is posing a threat to members safety, as such this needs to be brought to the attention of the CUPE Health & Safety Rep at your site so that it can be discussed at the monthly Joint Occupational Health & Safety (JOHS) committee meetings where a resolve to those safety concerns can be addressed and the details of which are captured in the meeting minutes.

Members are also expressing concerns over other staff and students showing flu like symptoms while in the workplace.  Our Employer has made it clear that each and every staff member is responsible for doing the “Daily Self-Assessment” prior to entering the workplace, and if you are experiencing symptoms that you would not normally have on either a day to day or annual basis, then you are required to follow the protocols as laid out by the government.  When it comes to students being symptomatic the District’s Safe Work Procedures (see pgs. 3, 8, 22 & 23) are very clear and if these protocols are not being followed then these instances need to be documented and reported on at the JOHS committee meeting, and to the Union.

It is to be expected that as we progress through the school year we are going to see cases of COVID-19 appear in our workplaces; when we hear instances of this it does not mean that members are not expected to report to work.  Unless otherwise directed to do so by Fraser Health, or unless you yourself are experiencing COVID like symptoms, members are expected to report to work.  Your Union is actively advocating on your behalf that should you be required to self-isolate due to an exposure that you are not required to use your “Sick” days unless you are in fact symptomatic.  It is imperative that all members continue to practice physical distancing, good hand hygiene, and wear a face covering whenever the situation dictates.  The protocols that have been put in place are design to protect all staff and students in the workplace; if at anytime members are confused about the expectations or if their personal boundaries are being violated you need to speak up and ask for clarity and insist that your health and well being is protected.

Members are always encouraged to access external supports if they are experiencing emotional stressors in either the workplace or their personal lives.  The FSEAP offers a wide variety of confidential supports and access to this benefit provider is free for all permanent members.  Members who have pre-existing conditions that could be negatively impacted by an exposure to COVID-19 are encouraged to stay connected with their physicians and share any concerns about workplace practices to ensure these do not pose a further threat to their health.

Lastly, the Union just wanted to express a huge “Thank you” to all of our casual members who are currently being called in to various work sites on a daily basis throughout our District.  The challenge of not knowing where you are going and what you are going to be expected to do on a daily basis is not easy on a good day, and now with COVID this has undoubtedly added another layer of stress onto what is already daunting task.  Please know that we appreciate your efforts and wish there was more protections we could offer you as casual and that we continue to advocate on your behalf wherever and whenever we can.

Take care and stay safe everyone…..

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive