CUPE 411 – Annual General Meeting

Good Evening Members,

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year CUPE 411 is required to host our Annual General Meeting using an on-line virtual platform (ZOOM).

Please accept this advance invitation to register for virtual attendance at the June 20th CUPE 411 AGM.  You must have the ability to be on-camera in order to participate in this format.  You will be able to vote during the elections and participate in the meeting that will follow.  The Agenda for this year’s AGM will be posted on the CUPE 411 website on or before June 20th.

Here is the link where you can register to participate in the on-line AGM, you will have until 7:00pm on Friday, June 19th to submit your registration. You must use a personal e-mail account as your school district email will not be accepted.

CUPE 411 – Annual General Meeting

You will get a confirmation e-mail promptly after submitting your registration that will have the meeting details (i.e. date/time) along with the link to join the meeting as well as the password.

Every registration submission will be vetted and those that are not currently in good standing with CUPE 411 will have their registration removed.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process you are asked to contact the Union office via telephone at 604-392-1411 or email at prior to Friday, June 19, 2020.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive