COVID-19 Member Update for June 9, 2020

CUPE National continues to provide us with information regarding COVID-19 and the workplace.  Their latest document, Employer Obligations for Returning to Work During COVID-19, is a must read and if you as a member feel as though your experience here in School District No.33 (Chilliwack) does not adhere to the statements made in this publication we would ask that you please either, phone (604-392-1411) or e-mail and ask to speak to a Union representative.

We are working hard on gathering data from our members that have been threatened into taking an unpaid leave rather than accommodated, or who have been forced to use their leave benefit entitlements while awaiting a possible accommodation.  If members have not already been in contact with an elected Union representative your Union strongly urges that you do as it is our goal to correct these wrongs and ensure that you are all made whole.  Continuing to ‘cc’ your Union rep in on all email correspondence has been very helpful, and we encourage that you continue to do so.

Members who were required to self-quarantine despite not being sick but because of possible exposure to COVID-19, are asked to contact the Union to let us know if you were being financially compensated by the Employer during the isolation period, and not required to use your own “Sick” days.

CUPE BC’s K-12 website has also been a great ongoing source of information pertaining to COVID-19 and the staff working in this sector and we encourage members to take a few moments to review the latest updates.

In yesterday’s messaging from BC’s Health Minister, Mr. Adrian Dix stressed the duty to protect those among us who are most vulnerable but when you have an Employer who deliberately and purposefully is not willing to do this for its own workforce, it is nothing short of disappointing and incredibly discouraging.  Your Union knows that Employer’s who value and respect their workers would want to do whatever it takes to keep them safe and keep them working.

As Union leaders we are committed to advocating for members rights, however labourious that may be, and hope that we are able to effect change for the betterment of our membership in the workplace.

Stay Strong, Stay Safe and Remember…..”You are the Union”!

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive