In light of yesterday’s ribbon cutting ceremony at Chilliwack’s newest K-8 Elementary/Middle school, Stito:s La:lem Toti:lt, the Union wanted to make sure that our K-12 support staff were acknowledged for their efforts to ensure that the site would be ready for the start of a new school year on September 6, 2022.
Our Transportation Department members had a daunting task ahead of them to not only incorporate new runs and modify existing ones into already busy AM and PM routes but then to had to schedule all the new bussing students for this site.
Our Clerical members know all too well what a regular school start up can look like, but that workload increases two-fold when it comes to preparing for a new start in a new school and most likely won’t slow down for some time; if at all?
Members from the Maintenance Department, Grounds Crew and Tradespeople as well as our IT Professionals have been an integral part in ensuring the classrooms and surrounding spaces would be ready for staff and students.
A wide range of members from our Assistants Division competed for positions at the school, all excited to work in this unique and one-of-a-kind learning environment here in Chilliwack.
And last but not least, the members from our Custodial Division put in long hours on their long weekend to make sure all the spaces would be clean and ready to welcome staff, students and guests that first day.
Yes, it takes a village, and we are so very proud of our K-12 Support Staff family for their hard work and commitment to their professions that we would be remised to not give them a very heartfelt “Thank You” in this latest SD33 endeavour.
Sincerely and In Solidarity,
CUPE 411 Executive