The Skills, Training, and Enhancement Fund was created, in part, to provide opportunities for members to enhance their knowledge in so far as it relates to their duties and responsibilities within their respective Job Descriptions thereby improving the overall service to the District.
Details regarding this fund and how to apply can be found using the following link:
CUPE Skills, Training and Enhancement Fund
Members wishing to pursue access to these funds are required to complete an “Application Form”, there will be two intakes annually and the committee, comprised of both Union and Employer representatives, will review each application before rendering any decisions.
Your Union believes that each and everyone our members provides a valuable service to this District, and if you have found a course or conference to participate in that is going to expand your knowledge base thus improving your work performance, we would encourage you to consider applying to this fund for financial support.
Members with questions are encouraged to contact the Union Office for further assistance.
In Solidarity