Good Evening Members,
We feel it is our duty to provide accurate and up-to-date information, however repetitive this may sound, to our members by sharing links to government agencies and correspondence from our governing bodies. But sharing news stories is also important to put things into perspective as to what is really going on here, at home, as well as abroad.
Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam confirmed today that the COVID-19 virus is starting to spread through community contact. With 2 new outbreaks in senior care homes and 145 new confirmed cases here in BC today bringing our provincial total up to 617, we feel the sense of urgency growing and hope that our government chooses to take stricter measures sooner rather than later.
There are horrific stories coming out of Spain, another 743 deaths in Italy today, and with things digressing in the state of New York this is destined to become the new epicenter of this deadly virus.
As CUPE 411 members we encourage you to follow the guidelines set out by both the Provincial and Federal agencies regarding COVID-19 as your health and that of your loved ones needs to be first and foremost. If you have questions or concerns regarding your employment status don’t hesitate to reach out to your elected Union representatives and we will do our best to provide you with our guidance and support.
Stay strong, stay safe, and stay vigilant; together we will get through this….
In Solidarity,
CUPE 411 Executive