COVID 19 – Update for March 23, 2020

Good Evening Members,

For those that want to stay abreast of the latest details from B.C.’s Ministry of Heath you can tune into the daily youtube broadcasts with Minister Adrian Dix and Doctor Bonnie Henry.

CUPE National has also been working hard to ensure accurate information on COVID-19 is available to all CUPE members via a Fact Sheet and we would also encourage you to take a few moments to read over the “General Occupational Guidelines for COVID-19“.

We continue to insist members that are still working adhere to the social distancing guidelines and follow the hygiene protocols outlined by our provincial health officer, Dr. Henry; the BC Centre for Disease Control is also another excellent resource in transmission prevention.

Our FSEAP service provider also has some great resources for our members to access, take a moment to read the latest literature and we will continue to post information as it comes our way:

FSEAP – Correspondence for March 19, 2020

Despite the restrictions placed upon all of us right now we do hope members are finding creative ways to enjoy some time at home with their families and we will continue to provide daily updates through our Website, Facebook and/or Email this week.

Stay Safe, and Stay Healthy…..

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive