Details pertaining to the COVID-19 virus seem to be evolving on a daily basis and we will be doing our best to keep our website up-to-date with the most recent notifications and links to various websites:

We will also be keeping you updated with newsletters and bulletins that come from  CUPE National, CUPE BC, and the various Ministries and Health Authorities:

Our District will be taking their direction on this pandemic from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health here in BC and we suggest that you continue to monitor the School District Website for notifications as well.  However, if you have any questions or concerns that you are not able to find answers to from any of the links provided we would ask that you please contact a member of your Union Executive, or call 604-392-1411 or email directly for assistance.

Members are reminded that if you attended a staff meeting with regards to the COVID-19 virus on Friday, March 13, 2020 at your workplace the expectation for CUPE members is that you would be paid to be there, otherwise you were not required to attend and anything that was said at that meeting would essentially have fallen on deaf ears if you were not being financially compensated.