Your CUPE 411 Executive would like to extend a HUGE “Thank you” to those twelve month employees that worked tirelessly this past July and August to ensure all of our sites were ready to go for staff and students on September 4th. Your commitment, dedication along with your professional standards are a reflection of CUPE 411 and it pleases us to say that you have represented not only yourselves but your Union incredibly well.

With the first week already under our belts, we hope that our ten month members have had an opportunity to get settled into their sites, some of which may be new, as well as into their respective assignments and are looking forward to an exciting and rewarding year ahead!

With our District being one of the fastest growing in the province, coupled with an extensive overhaul to the delivery of instruction in the form of grade reconfiguration, we anticipate there may be some growing pains felt by members in all of our Divisions; we would ask that you take on your duties and responsibilities with a positive attitude and should you encounter problems along the way please ask for help. We are all in this together and supporting one-another is the best possible approach to a happy and healthy work environment.

We have an enthusiastic group of Shop Stewards that are eager to take on the challenge of representing members from all our Divisions, along with an experienced group of Table Officers committed to face-to-face member engagement coupled with effective and accurate communication.

There is an open-door policy at our Union office and we welcome feedback from all our members, both good and bad, as it is important for us to know what we are doing right and where there is room for improvement.

Please be sure to visit our website at for contact information, meeting dates/times, and any other relevant details pertaining to our Union.

We would like to say “Thank You” in advance for the work you do and best wishes for a successful and enjoyable year ahead!

CUPE 411 Executive


Printable: CUPE Quarterly 09-09-18


Member Update……

To those members who have decided to sit on their sites JOHS committees this is just a friendly reminder of the training opportunities, both mandatory for new JOHS committee members as well as the annual Health & Safety training; that the District will be hosting for 2018-2019.

This year the District will be offering more than one opportunity for the annual training allowing members to pick an option that will best fit their work and/or personal commitments, see below for details:

Please be sure to view the Districts “CONNECT 33”  weekly memo for further details on the respective training sessions (content & location) and the registration process.

If you have any further questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact the Union’s Health & Safety representative for assistance at

Attachment: JOHS Committee Training Opportunities 2018-2019

Spring Break 2018-2019

CUPE 411 and our Employer, School District No.33, have come to a mutual  agreement pertaining to the Spring Break 2018-2019.  Kindly see the Letter of Understanding along with the F.A.Q.’s below for further information. F.A.Q.’s will be added to if the need arises.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, we would ask that you please contact our office at 604-392-1411 and speak with the Union President, Mr. Dale Obirek. Or email at
In Solidarity.

Whose Doing Your Job???

CUPE 411 members are trained professionals, that take pride in their work and are aware of all the proper protocols and procedures for their specific duties.

Neither students, teachers, parents or volunteers should be performing CUPE 411 work. When we know this is happening in our school district, it is important that your union be made aware so that your elected representatives can address this with the employer.

If you have seen, have concerns, or would simply like to discuss this further we welcome the opportunity to speak with you, please click the link below or call the Union office at 604-392-1411.

CUPE 411 work

Examples of others doing CUPE 411 work include, but are not limited to:

  • Calling home for absent or late students
  • Answering SD #33 telephones or assisting the public in the site office
  • Painting classrooms
  • Installing shelving
  • Driving SD #33 fleet
  • Performing repairs or maintenance on school district vehicles or equipment
  • Working one-on-one or in small groups with students, to reinforce classroom or teacher instruction
  • Performing cleaning duties such as mopping, cleaning, vacuuming and sanitizing.

Sometimes it may seem there are grey areas between what is Teacher work and what is CUPE work.  When in doubt, ASK! Your elected union reps will be able to determine if CUPE 411 work has been done by a non-CUPE member.

It’s your union! Thank you!


Employee & Family Assistance Plan

The Employee and Family Assistance Program is a confidential information, counselling and referral service for you and your immediate family members.

Call anytime, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:

EFAP Newsletters

Health & Safety

Call to all interested CUPE members…..
Sites are now looking for CUPE 411 employees to sit as representatives on their respective Joint Occupational Health and Safety (JOHS) committees.
As per our collective agreement each JOHS committee has room for a minimum of two (2) members to actively participate on the committees and for those interested we would encourage you to express your interest via email to your manager or administrator.  Please “cc” me in on your request, then I will be made aware if there is interest in excess of two (2) members in which case this can be addressed promptly as to who will be eligible to sit on the committee since this decision is made by the Union and not the Employer.
As the unions health and safety rep I am happy to answer any questions or address any concerns that you might have pertaining to your sites JOHS committees or OH&S in general.

In Solidarity,

Tracey O’Hara (cell: 604-819-2881)
1st Vice-President
Health & Safety Rep.
JEIS/LTD Rep. (last name A-K)
CUPE Local 411
#114-8472 Harvard Pl | Chilliwack, BC | V2P 7Z5
604.392.1411 (office) |
“An incident is just the tip of the iceberg, a sign of a much larger problem below the surface.”

Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees


Not Working?

We are trying to track how many of our casual members are not working on any given day to compare to our data on members who are not replaced at work.  If you are a casual employee in any division and you have not been consistently called out, please let us know.

Please submit a separate report for each day you are not called out to work. Thank you!


We are constantly updating our CUPE 411 Membership Database.  Be sure to let us know if you move, change your phone number or change your position or site at work!  Be sure to give us your personal email address so we can keep you up-to-date on the news and information coming out of CUPE 411!

Remembrance Day 2015

CUPE Remembrance Day

CUPE 411 annually honours our veterans at Remembrance Day ceremonies across Chilliwack.  Much appreciation to Rod Isaac, Maddona McCulloch and Brenda Moores for laying wreaths on behalf our membership at the Downtown and Sardis Cenotaphs as well as the one at Sto:Lo.

CUPE 411 Dinner & Dance

CUPE Xmas Dance 2015


Jeremy Bonney (Custodian) & Brenda Moores (EA Special Needs) sporting their best 80’s garb at the CUPE Winter Social & Dance on November 14th, 2015.  A great time was had by all and a special thanks goes out to the students at SSS for an amazing meal!