Member Update – April 2024

Despite the weather the 2nd annual CUPE 411/SD33 Pro-D Day was a huge success and we could not have pulled it off without an amazing team of organizers, student volunteers, and few extra helping hands so please accept a very heartfelt “Thank You” for all your help and support.  Members are reminded to complete the Exit Survey that was emailed to you following your second session.  The Union is also able to receive your feedback on Pro-D ideas anytime, please email with your suggestions.

It has been brought to the Union’s attention that concerns had been raised regarding pay for the general holidays in April therefore in an attempt to provide members with some clarity the  April 2024 – CUPE Quick Facts is focused on General Holidays.  If after review you still feel as though you should have been compensated for either of those days please reach out to the appropriate member in the Payroll Department.

The May 15th deadline date is fast approaching for members that wish to request a one-year leave of absence for the 2024-2025 school year as specified in the language of Article 14.10 General Leave of our Collective Agreement.  May 15th is also the deadline date for members that hold a permanent job description as an Education Assistant-Special Needs that would like to request a transfer as per the language in our Collective Agreement in the Letter of Understanding #3.  Members that have questions regarding either of this items are encouraged to reach out to a Shop Steward for guidance and support.

With field trip season starting to ramp up we want to remind support staff that if you are attending a field trip as part of your work related duties you are entitled to receive your breaks; coffee and lunch.  It would be best to have your break plan worked out prior to leaving the site and if for some reason your supervisor requires you to work through your break and you are agreeable to this then you get paid for that time. YOU DO NOT get to take time off in lieu, that is NOT permitted, your supervisors know this and they should never ask this of you.  Any members asked to participate in overnight field trips should reach out to the Union so that we can advise you of your rights and entitlements in terms of hours of work, overtime, and breaks, as this all needs to be spelled out in writing prior to your departure.

The Union is pleased to announce that we signed another one (1) year Letter of Understanding (LOU)  with our Employer for the Seamless Day Child Care program running out of Central Elementary as well as a second LOU that supports other Early Learning Initiatives such as the Before and After School Child Care programs.  With two new sites coming on board at Greendale Elementary and Unsworth Elementary we see this as an opportunity to give those members with the least amount of hours the ability to apply for positions that will top them up to seven (7) or possibly eight (8) hours a day.

Lastly, we want to encourage our Education Assistants-Special Needs who hold permanent positions to use their six (6) hours allotment of SIF hours before the end of this school year.  If you want to meet with your classroom teacher to discuss the student(s) you support, or even meet as a group to discuss tips and tricks on how to make it to the end of the year with your students this would be a great time to take advantage of the time given you.  Another great suggestion for those EA’s that have students transitioning to a Middle or Secondary school might be to connect with the EA’s at the incoming school to pass on your knowledge and experiences so that your counterparts can be successful in supporting the student.  You can also use the time to complete any of the District’s Moodle courses that may be of interest to you keeping in mind that you cannot exceed a seven (7) hour day.  Please be reminded to communicate to your Principal and/or Vice-Principal prior to proceeding with a plan for that time and if you are met with any resistance please contact an elected Union official.


CUPE 411 – Support Staff Pro-D Event

The Union is pleased to announce that CUPE now has a Professional Development Day that is open to ALL CUPE members that would like to attend, and not just for those members from our Assistants division.  We want to encourage our Clerical to NOT spend the day in their offices playing catch-up, and for our Custodians to lay down their brooms and our Tradespeople to drop their tools and for our Bus Drivers to not simply take a day off without pay.

This is not designed to be a training day, but a day to explore new ideas and opportunities that can help to expand our knowledge or understanding on a variety of subjects or activities.

Registration opens today, Friday, April 5, 2024 via the SD33 eBase system, and we would encourage members to participate as this day was designed for support staff.

CUPE 411

Family Chiefs Night…..

CUPE 411 has partnered again with CUPE 458 in order to offer another member engagement opportunity for our members and their children.

For all those hockey fans in our midst we welcome you to take part in the Family Chiefs Night on February 17th. (see details below)

Tickets are limited, interested members are required to register themselves and their child(ren), on or before February 9th, via the Member Engagement Event Registration link on the home page of the Union’s website under the Send Us Your Feedback heading.

Tickets are free for members and their children, however additional tickets may be purchased for other family members or friends at a cost of $10 should there be any remaining after registration closes on the 9th.

URGENT Notice to Members…..

After careful consideration we have decided to reschedule our January General Membership meeting to Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 9:30am, see details below.

















While we recognize this is an important meeting given the weather events of this week, and not knowing just how much of this snow/ice, will have dissipated by tomorrow (also a flooding potential for some) we felt the safest course of action was to allow members to deal with the conditions at their own places of residence and not feel pressured to venture out onto the roads for a meeting.

We trust we have made the wise decision and look forward to seeing those of you that can attend next weekend.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive

A Message to our Members….

With 2024 just around the corner we wanted to wish all our members a very “Happy New Year” and with it may it bring you good health, much love, and perhaps even find a little joy on those most difficult of days.

An email will be going out to the membership this afternoon, however, not all members are subscribers and as such we need to make sure that access to Newsletters, Meeting Dates, etc. is accessible to all members; therefore please take a moment to review the documents below:

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive

Violence in the Workplace Survey

CUPE National is collaborating with scholars from the University of Ottawa in an attempt to examine those working in the Education Sector and their daily experiences with physical violence and verbal abuse.

We would ask that you take a few minutes and complete the survey, please know that your are NOT required to answer a number of personal questions at the start of the survey, you can decline to offer a response, so that you can get to the sections that speak to violence and allow you to provide examples of what you are being exposed to day in and day out in your workplace.

Please open the attachment below and you will find the link to redirect you to the survey.

K12 Bulletin Violence Survey 21 11 2023

Member Engagement – Christmas Movie Event – REGISTRATION CLOSED

Registration for this event is now closed as we have exceeded the number of available tickets.  Members who have registered will be sent an email confirming their attendance and we would ask that anyone that did register but cannot attend to please email so we can offer your tickets to those on our waitlist.

Email Correction:  Saturday, December 2nd is the correct date for this event.

CUPE 411 has partnered with CUPE 458 (Chilliwack Municipal Workers) to host a Christmas Movie Matinee Event for our members and their children.  Seating is limited so interested members are asked to complete the Member Engagement Event Registration form located under “feedback” on the home page of the Union’s web site.


Because seating is limited and the Union is covering the costs, this event is just for our members and their children; members must accompany their children while at the theatre.  An elected Union representative will be at the door to great you and confirm you attendance as well as provide you with a voucher for your popcorn and drink.

If you have any questions about this event, or if you register and have to cancel please use the Union’s general email address to communicate with us, or you can always call the office at 604-392-1411.

We look forward to hosting this joint venture and providing a fun afternoon for our members and their children.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive

CUPE 411 – November Update

Members are reminded that there will be a General Membership Meeting next week that will be held via Zoom, those wishing to attend must register by noon on Thursday, November 16, 2023.

It is also that time of year where we are looking for interested members wanting to take part in our Mentoring Program.  Please select the appropriate application and you have until November 30, 2023 to submit it to

We also want to reminder our current group of Mentor/Mentees that your final group session will be taking place on Friday, November 24th at the School District Office in the HUB starting at 8:30am; looking forward to one final get-together!

The Union will be putting out a Clerical Survey this week and we would ask all clerical members to please keep an eye out for this as we are really in need of your feedback.

The Union is also looking at hosting a Christmas movie matinees for members and their children, more information to follow……

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 


September 2023 – Message to our Members….

With the start of another new school year we want to welcome back our members who were off for July and August and say “Thank you” to those who worked through the summer months to keep this machine called K-12 rolling along.

A September Update Email has gone out to all subscribers but just in case you did not receive it here are links to some of the content:


Professional Development


Our next General Membership meeting will be taking place on November 16, 2023 at 7:00pm and we will be holding elections for the following vacant positions on the Executive:

  • Assistants Shop Steward
  • Clerical Shop Steward
  • Transportation Shop Steward

Interested members are encouraged to attend, but if you cannot and would like to allow your name to stand for a steward position please email a letter to indicating such if nominated.  Reminder to all members that you cannot nominate yourself someone in attendance must put your name forward for consideration.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive