COVID-19 Member Update for June 9, 2020

CUPE National continues to provide us with information regarding COVID-19 and the workplace.  Their latest document, Employer Obligations for Returning to Work During COVID-19, is a must read and if you as a member feel as though your experience here in School District No.33 (Chilliwack) does not adhere to the statements made in this publication we would ask that you please either, phone (604-392-1411) or e-mail and ask to speak to a Union representative.

We are working hard on gathering data from our members that have been threatened into taking an unpaid leave rather than accommodated, or who have been forced to use their leave benefit entitlements while awaiting a possible accommodation.  If members have not already been in contact with an elected Union representative your Union strongly urges that you do as it is our goal to correct these wrongs and ensure that you are all made whole.  Continuing to ‘cc’ your Union rep in on all email correspondence has been very helpful, and we encourage that you continue to do so.

Members who were required to self-quarantine despite not being sick but because of possible exposure to COVID-19, are asked to contact the Union to let us know if you were being financially compensated by the Employer during the isolation period, and not required to use your own “Sick” days.

CUPE BC’s K-12 website has also been a great ongoing source of information pertaining to COVID-19 and the staff working in this sector and we encourage members to take a few moments to review the latest updates.

In yesterday’s messaging from BC’s Health Minister, Mr. Adrian Dix stressed the duty to protect those among us who are most vulnerable but when you have an Employer who deliberately and purposefully is not willing to do this for its own workforce, it is nothing short of disappointing and incredibly discouraging.  Your Union knows that Employer’s who value and respect their workers would want to do whatever it takes to keep them safe and keep them working.

As Union leaders we are committed to advocating for members rights, however labourious that may be, and hope that we are able to effect change for the betterment of our membership in the workplace.

Stay Strong, Stay Safe and Remember…..”You are the Union”!

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive


COVID-19 Member Update for May 31, 2020

Good Evening Members,

With operational costs (i.e. fuel and staff replacements) plummeting for the months of April and May only to be followed up with what the Union believes to be marginal increases in supply purchases.  It would appear that even in the midst of a crisis there is no end to which this employer will go to save money on the backs of its support staff for their new school projects.

While other Districts have enshrined their commitment to health and safety in writing with regards to personal protective equipment to those front-line staff who provide first aid or personal care, this Employer emphatically refuses to do so.  It would appear that meeting the minimum health and safety requirements as laid out by the Province and its affiliates is all this Employer is prepared to do despite the glaringly obvious concerns that have been presented to them.

Instead of forcing members to take a Leave Without Pay other Districts are working collaboratively with their Union’s leadership to ensure adequate and timely accommodations are being made to those workers who are medically compromised or live with someone that is.  However, our Employer continues to throw up barriers every step of the way, forcing members to first use up their benefit entitlements and then ultimately have to choose between their own health, or those that they love, and a paycheque, when many are ready, willing and able to continue to support the system or the students remotely.

Your Union believes that all members should feel safe while in their respective workplaces and that your physical, emotional, and mental health should be the primary consideration, not just in the wake of this pandemic, but always.  It is well known that our Employer has been incapable of protecting many of our members on a good day in this District given the outrageous number of violent workplace incidents that are reported; a vast majority go unreported due to internal pressures. As many of our members are repeatedly subjected to being physically attacked (punched, kicked, spit on, bitten) and/or verbally abused (screamed at with profanity or threatened).  To suggest that our members will not be faced with these same behaviours upon the resumption of in-class instruction is simply not a rationale expectation and to deny them the tools necessary to protect themselves is nothing short of shameful.

The notion that public schools are controlled environments is simply absurd.  With staff who have keys to come and go from sites as they please, limited ability to clean touch surfaces and washrooms throughout the day, no ability to ensure those arriving on site are not “A/PRE” Symptomatic or have been adhering to the strict guidelines within their own personal bubbles, it is reasonable to conclude that our K-12 environments are at best, marginally controlled.

Members are asked to please email if you have been forced to take a leave without pay, requested a workplace accommodation (granted/denied), requested access to protective equipment to do your work safely and been denied, or had to use your benefit entitlements for anything other than what they were intended (i.e. Sick time to Self-Isolate when you are not symptomatic).

Your Union believes that a positive and proactive approach to the health and safety for all workers in the Chilliwack School District not only benefits the members of Local 411, but everyone within the system and not just today, but every day.  So, we encourage members to continue to advocate for themselves and we respectfully ask for support from the K-12 Stakeholders in our community as we navigate our new normal.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive

CUPE 411 – Member Opportunity

During the 2019 Bargaining, under the Provincial Framework Agreement the government had provided each School District with a set amount of monies known as Service Improvement Funds.  As a result of the negotiations with the Employer part of those funds has been set aside to provide our members an educational opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in relation to the work done in supporting students, however direct or indirect that might be, here in the Chilliwack School District.

For more information and to complete the on-line application we would ask that you visit the School District website:

CUPE Skills, Training and Enhancement Fund

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the Union President for more details, as the work put into setting up the Terms of Reference and the Application for this fund was a joint venture and we are pleased to say it was handled in a very respectful and collaborative manner.

Please NoteAt this time the applications are going to Diego Testa, but you can also “cc”, until such time as a joint school district email account has been set up for this application process.

Member Update for March 28, 2020

Just a quick F.Y.I. to our Members,

To all our members who provide Personal Care (i.e. toileting), or perform other Medical Procedures (i.e. catheterization) while in our K-12 settings, this is the exact work that our front-line health care providers do and your Union believes you should be afforded the same access to equipment that nurses are privy to, which is any piece of personal protective equipment that you feel is necessary for you to perform such duties safely.

For all those First Aid Attendants in our membership one of the first things you are taught when providing first aid is to assess the scene, by asking yourself the question, “Is it safe?”, if the answer is “NO”, call 911!

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive


COVID-19 – Member Update for May 24, 2020

Good Morning Members,

We apologize for the lack of updates this past week, but we were inundated with questions/concerns from members that consumed most of our available time to ensure everyone was responded to in a timely manner.

The bulk of concerns revolved around members returning to their workplaces for the first time, as well as the expectation to provide in class instruction to students and having accesses, or the ability to wear, medical and non-medical personal protective equipment if the 6ft/2m physical distancing protocols cannot be maintained, if personal care is required, or if working with students who cannot self-regulate.

The other issue at hand is members who have pre-existing medical conditions and what their options are moving forward.  Those that are looking for an accommodation have expressed concerns over the District’s safety protocols that they are asked to share with their physicians, as some of the expectations on this document are not being followed at their sites and this in turn proves problematic; therefore we have encouraged members to speak with their immediate supervisors to address the lack of follow through.  We are also asking members to reach out to the Joint Occupational Health and Safety reps should they have any concerns about protocols not being adhered to.  We anticipate that updated health and safety protocols will be coming out this week and this may impact members who are dealing with pre-existing medical conditions that are affected with COVID-19 thus requiring an accommodation or an adjustment to an existing one.

Your Union has been adamant that members should not be forced to use any of their leave benefits while the Employer works out an acceptable accommodation, members should be placed on “Paid Administrative” leave while plans are being worked out.  We also do not believe members should be forced to take a “Leave Without Pay” if they are unable to work due to COVID-19.  If you find yourself in either situation we ask that you please contact your respective Shop Steward so that we can gather the necessary information as we will be attempting to ensure that those members who have been negatively impacted by this pandemic are made whole.

The Employer is required to submit their educational plan for the month of June to the Ministry next week, we hope that these details will be shared with your Union Executive prior to submission so that we may have some discussion and input.  Given the tone of the K-12 Townhall that took place on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, it will be interesting to see how many parents will actually be willing to send their children back into a school setting at this time.  Therefore, we anticipate remote/on-line learning is still going to be required and not phased out district wide to one-day a week as your Union was originally advised.

There are still a lot of questions and concerns that are going to need to be addressed as we move through this health care crisis, but what we do know for certain is that COVID-19 is here and is not going anywhere for the foreseeable future, so we are going to have to find a way to get back to work in a safe way for all school district staff and students.  Your Union is committed to supporting members and advocating for all health and safety measures that are needed in our K-12 environments.  We encourage members to remain vocal and vigilant in the coming weeks and months so that we can all get through this together.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive

COVID-19 – Member Update for May 16, 2020

Good Afternoon Members,

Yesterday Premier Horgan and his team held a press conference that spoke specifically to the next phase for the K-12 sector here in B.C. and the message that came through loud and clear is that no one should feel pressured to either have their children return to school sites, nor should staff.  The Ministry of Education has created the Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings, and we would ask members to please take the time to read and familiarize yourselves with this document over the weekend.  Your Union is looking for some clarity on a few areas of concern and we will be sending out further direction/information via email just as soon as we have the answers we are looking for.

Minister Fleming made statements yesterday indicating that remote learning will continue for those parents that want it for their students as well as for the students only attending part-time.  What this means for CUPE workers we are not sure, but clearly there will still be a need for remote support if that is the case.  The Minister further went on to state that they will have templates for Districts to follow as they are required to support all students.  It was also stated that school districts will need to make accommodations for those staff who have pre-existing conditions therefore we want any members who have concerns for their own health to please reach out to an elected Union representative to ensure proper protocols are being followed and that your rights to privacy are not being infringed upon by this Employer.

There were further updates that came from our Federal leadership as well yesterday and we wanted to applaud Dr. Theresa Tam who has done an outstanding job as our countries Chief Public Health Officer in the face of COVID-19.  Dr. Tam and her team continue to provide Canadians with accurate and up-to-date statistics as well as clear direction on what the expectations are for each and every one of us as we navigate this pandemic.

Lastly, we want to give a “Shout Out” to our Facilities Department, which includes Maintenance, Custodial and Transportation, as they have been doing an excellent job in tackling some of the challenges we are now faced with in our workplaces.  From increased cleaning schedules, to installing protective equipment on busses, and ensuring our trades and grounds crews do not travel in vehicles together if safe distancing cannot be maintained, are just a few of the examples of the measures that have been taken thus far.  However, we want to remind members from these divisions as you move from site to site to adhere to the protocols in place when entering/exiting the buildings as well as moving around inside of them.  It is imperative that you are familiar with the expectations at each location and if you have any questions that you seek out the sites Supervisor for clarity.  This is not just to protect yourselves, but to protect others in these buildings as well.

To all our members we hope that you have a safe and enjoyable long weekend.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive

COVID-19 Member Update for May 14, 2020

Good Evening Members,

On May 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) held another of their weekly press conferences and at the 44-minute mark of the presentation Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove provided a clear explanation of the epidemiology of COVID-19.  She went on to further talk about the importance of the assessment and the types of interventions that need to be put in place.  Dr. Michael Ryan then went on to elaborate on the control measures for disease spread in communities, the dangers of swinging lockdowns, and managing the remaining risk with surveillance and response.  Having measures to mitigate the spread and to respond to cases along with community buy in is the key to making this work.

Both doctors addressed remaining questions that spoke to managing risk at an international level, and at the 57-minute mark Dr. Kerkhove outlined the six pieces of criteria that all countries need to take into account when they are considering adjusting their public health and social measures.  This is a must listen to as it might better help people to understand why different measures are being taken in different countries around the world, but also in various states, provinces, and regions within a specific country.  If you choose to listen right to the end there was also some very interesting dialogue about the possible longevity of this virus as well as reference to other well-known viruses.

While scientist around the globe are still learning about how this virus affects people there is one thing we can be assured of when it comes to adolescents and youth, they can catch COVID-19. Another definitive according to the W.H.O. is that adolescents can transmit the virus to other people, even if they have mild symptoms or do not feel ill.  For this reason, it is imperative that members take all safety measures seriously; from front door check-ins, to 6ft/2m physical distancing, and practicing good hygiene.  For those members that have even more cause for concern should they contract the virus, you need to be vocal about “Refusing Unsafe Work” should you see such measures not being adhered to; or if you feel you require additional protections while in the workplace and are being denied them.  The Union does have concerns about the reopening of our schools as we are receiving regular reports of staff/students not following the District’s protocols, and although we realize it is going to take some time for everyone to change their usual behaviours, people may need friendly reminders, so don’t be afraid to speak out.

With schools already undergoing their gradual re-open on the East coast it will be interesting to see how this is managed here on the West coast?  We believe there is going to be an announcement coming from B.C.’s Minister of Education, Rob Fleming, tomorrow morning at 9:00am, and we continue to be optimistic that the Government of B.C. will be forthcoming with some standard practices and protocols in so far as the K-12 sector is concerned, not forgetting that many of our members often are required to play similar roles as front-line health care workers.

We all know that this is not forever, but just for now; we are still all in this together and we will get through this together; take care and enjoy the long weekend ahead!

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive


COVID-19 Member Update for May 12, 2020

Good Evening Everyone,

A number of concerns have been brought to our attention and it is imperative that members reach out, either to their shop steward or email  should you be experiencing any issues either at your worksites, or in dealing with our H.R. Department.

With our Employer’s decision to start bringing more and more students back into the worksites starting next week the Union has genuine concerns as to our members health and safety, primarily because we are hearing from members that the School Districts “Covid-19 Safety Procedures for Building Entry and Occupancy” is not being followed either in whole or in part.  The Union understands that these are guidelines, however, with some sites not following any or perhaps all of these it is putting our members at risk?   If you have time to review these and confirm with one of the Union Executive as to the practice at your site it would be greatly appreciated.

Our Employer has made it clear to the Union that there is going to be no more remote work permitted for our members and the messaging we are receiving is that they are not going to entertain the idea of accommodating any of our members who may suffer from a pre-existing condition that is affected with COVID-19.  If you find yourself in this position, we need to speak with you as you absolutely have options, you SHOULD NOT be using any “Sick” days unless you are actually sick. The Union wants to make sure the choices presented to you are in fact in your best interest and not the Employers.

Your site should be continuing to have their monthly Joint Occupational Health and Safety (JOHS) meetings, this is the table where all health and safety concerns must be addressed as there is a legal requirement to do so. Therefore, it is imperative that the CUPE JOHS reps be vocal about all concerns that are brought to your attention so that they are discussed at these meetings and captured in the minutes.  The Union would ask that any concerns be sent to the sites CUPE JOHS rep via email and please “cc” the Union’s Health and Safety Rep ( in on that correspondence so that we are able to ensure your concerns are being brought up, and addressed promptly.  If you are unsure who your JOHS rep please email the Union’s H&S rep for details.

While Dr. Henry and Minister Dix continue to promote physical distancing and the wearing of protective face coverings while in public settings, we have heard rumblings that this might not apply or be permitted in a school setting.  This gravely concerns the Union; with a COVID-19 outbreak in a childcare centre in Quebec just last week, and on the heels of the outbreak in Ontario, it would appear that this virus knows no boundaries and we will not be complacent with our Employer simply conceding to meeting the minimum when it comes to our members health and safety.

Stay STRONG, Stay SAFE, and Stand in SOLIDARITY!

CUPE 411 Executive