CUPE 411 – New C.A. Language – Update No.1

The Collective Agreement has for sometime now had a provision under Article 8 that speaks to Performance Reviews {8.1(c)}.  As a result of negotiations there were some minor changes to this language that speak to best practice and your Union is pleased to report that we have been working collaboratively with our Employer on revising the  document that will be used as well as the timelines for implementation.

While there have been some concerns raised by members that this process will be used as a discipline tool, this was never the intent; nor should it be moving forward.  We have been assured that any serious concerns regarding a members work performance would be addressed in a different format.

Your Union is confident that the mechanism being re-implemented is one designed to provide insight, support and guidance to all members in hopes of enhancing job satisfaction, improving workplace culture and identifying professional growth opportunities within the District.

We will welcome your questions, comments or concerns once the program is up and running again.

In Solidarity


Spring Break Member Update

If you are a 10-Month member we hope that you are able to enjoy some much deserved R&R during the Spring Break, and for our 12-Month member we hope this gives you an opportunity to catch up on work that has been put-off due to excessive day-to-day workloads.  If time permits please take a moment to have a read of the CUPE Quarterly – March 2021.

We also have the latest K-12 Bulletin for you to peruse, K-12 Bulletin – No.57 – March 11, 2021.

Your Union was also sent the latest BC CDC – School Sector Update – March 11, 2021 and while there is useful information in this document the Union does takes issue with some of the statements made.  However, we feel that it is important to share information and permit our members to decide for themselves what the facts really are when it comes to COVID-19.

We have also received inquiry from a number of members pertaining to the availability of vaccine for support staff working in the K-12 system.  While your Union fully recognizes that school aged children do transmit this virus to adults, we are dealing with public agencies that does not believe this to be the case and as such any energy spent on advocating for this would be wasted.  We do however want to encourage members that have tested positive for COVID-19, and believe they contracted the virus from their workplace, to file the appropriate WSBC documentation in order to be financially compensated while absent from work, recovering from this virus.  I think we speak for most support staff in expressing how grateful we all are to students and their families for approaching members directly to inform them of possible exposures thus ensuring we are not then putting vulnerable family members unknowingly at risk.

In Solidarity

It’s FINALLY here…..

The New CUPE 411 Collective Agreement is now available for viewing on the Union’s website; please visit the “Resources” page for access to the electronic version.

The Local Memorandum of Agreement that was distributed to all members at the Ratification Vote immediately following bargaining identified the items that were negotiated.  Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we will highlight these items and provide clarity to some of the language so that everyone understands the expectations moving forward.

The Local is currently looking for members who are interested in sitting on the 2022 Bargaining Committee, please check out the website post of March 8th as well as the CUPE 411 Facebook Page for details.  Members can also expect to see more details to come in the form of an email shortly.

In the meantime should you have any questions regarding any of the language in your Collective Agreement please do not hesitate to reach out to a Shop Steward for clarification or further assistance.

In Solidarity


COVID-19 & Self-Isolation Direction by a P.H.O.

Good Evening Members,

You would have received an email from the Union on February 21st detailing expectations should you be directed to self-isolate by a Provincial Health Officer so that your sick bank entitlements are not negatively impacted.  In addition to that information we have also received further information from our Employer in terms of process that we wanted to share with members.

Members are asked to proceed as follows:

  • The employee should connect with their supervisor and/or Human Resources immediately upon direction from Fraser Health to self-isolate;
  • If the person continues to be asymptomatic, we will review their current assignment and discuss with their supervisor the potential for remote work;
  • If remote work is not possible in that assignment, we will review any possibilities for redeployment during this time, discuss with CUPE, and offer the remote work to the employee;
  • If remote work is not possible, whether in that person’s assignment or through redeployment, the employee will be eligible for a paid general leave during the self-isolation period (on a without prejudice basis);
  • The employee should complete a leave form request online via the PowerSchool web portal, under “PHO Directed Self Isolation”;
  • If the employee refuses the temporary remote work assignment, they will not be eligible for the paid general leave and will be required to either access paid vacation/CTT time or apply for a COVID LWOP;
  • If the employee develops symptoms at any time during the self-isolation period, they must notify Human Resources and will then be placed on sick leave.

Please note: An employee calling 811, or hearing of an exposure and choosing to self-isolate is not sufficient for the above process. In addition, the leave applies only where the employee has been directly contacted by a health authority to self-isolate (usually in writing). If an employee elects to self-isolate due to a family or household member’s direction to self-isolate (but the employee has not been contacted directly by the health authority), the employee will be eligible to use any paid vacation/CTT time or apply for a COVID LWOP.

The Union was advised that this information was also published in CONNECT 33 but in case it was missed we wanted to make it easily accessible for everyone.

In Solidarity

Have you completed the survey yet??

During the 2019 Provincial Bargaining session for K-12 the parties agreed to strike a committee “Support Staff Education Committee” (SSEC) and the mandate for this group is spelled out in item No.6 of the “Provincial Framework Agreement“.

The committee is now in the process of soliciting input from the K-12 support staff in order to define priorities and interest in order to establish appropriate training opportunities.

We are encouraging all members to complete the “K-12 Support Staff Training Survey“, as the committee is also looking for feedback on the state of existing training in Districts.  Many of our members know all too well how less than adequate the training has been when it comes to addressing Health & Safety issues in our workplaces; in particular the violent attacks and verbal abuse that members are subjected to on an ongoing basis.  Perhaps this is our opportunity to really raise the alarm bells with CUPE BC & BCPSEA on how bad things really have become in School District No.33 (Chilliwack) in the last few years?

While the survey is voluntary, your individual responses are completely anonymous and we would encourage everyone to take some time out of your day to complete it, the deadline to do this is March 8, 2021.




IMPORTANT – COVID-19 Update RE: Self-Isolation

Good Evening Members,

There have been numerous inquiries regarding the process members need to follow if they have been advised to self-isolate by a BC Health Authority.  Therefore the Union sent an email tonight to all members advising you of your rights to financial compensation should you be required to self-isolate as a result of an exposure to COVID-19, or if you are awaiting testing results.

Members are NOT required to use time from their sick bank in order to be paid while absent from work so long as they meet the requirements that were detailed in the email.  Members may be required to work remotely wherever possible so please ensure you speak with your immediate supervisor about this possibility until such time as Fraser Health advises you are able to return to the workplace.

If the Employer insists on proof (i.e. Letter from Fraser Health) please advise your Union Rep immediately as this is not the expectation that has been communicated to the Union from the provincial level.

We advised the Employer last week that members may be requiring to self-isolate at the direction of Fraser Health and how that needs to be coded in Power School; to date we have yet to receive information on this process, but one thing is for certain, members are not to be using their “Sick” time if they are not sick.

All questions or concerns regarding this can either be directed to a Shop Steward, or to the Union office via email, or phone 604-392-1411 (office) / 604-316-9923 (cell).

In Solidarity,

CUPE Local 411 Executive

Does every child in BC have the right to an education?

Absolutely, CUPE Local 411 believes all children are entitled to a quality public education, however, it is reasonable to assume that not every child’s educational experience is going to look the same.

A one-size fits all approach to education is not only unreasonable, it will undoubtedly create barriers to learning thus not allowing ALL children to reach their full potential.

Not only does the BC School Act speak to the educational opportunities afforded to students, it also speaks to the Duties of Students:

6   (1)A student must comply

(a)with the school rules authorized by the principal of the school or Provincial school attended by the student, and

(b)with the code of conduct and other rules and policies of the board or the Provincial school.

The above also rings true for students with Special Needs (see pg 11 of the Special Education Policy Manual)

Members that are in need of clarity regarding your sites Code of Conduct, or the Chilliwack School District’s Policies should be able to find more information under the “About” tab and “Schools” tab on the District’s websites home page.  If you should come across any language that contradicts your experiences, we would welcome your feedback; or 604-392-1411.

In Solidarity




CUPE Local 411 would like to congratulate Carin Bondar on her successful bid for the position of School Trustee on Chilliwack’s Board of Education in the February 13th By-Election.

We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the other Nominees:

  • Richard Procee
  • Brian VanGarderen
  • Adam Suleman

For their desire to want to represent the staff and students of our school community.

The Union looks forward to having a new representative on the Board that will enhance the positive working relationship that we are striving for with the Trustees.