The Collective Agreement has for sometime now had a provision under Article 8 that speaks to Performance Reviews {8.1(c)}. As a result of negotiations there were some minor changes to this language that speak to best practice and your Union is pleased to report that we have been working collaboratively with our Employer on revising the document that will be used as well as the timelines for implementation.
While there have been some concerns raised by members that this process will be used as a discipline tool, this was never the intent; nor should it be moving forward. We have been assured that any serious concerns regarding a members work performance would be addressed in a different format.
Your Union is confident that the mechanism being re-implemented is one designed to provide insight, support and guidance to all members in hopes of enhancing job satisfaction, improving workplace culture and identifying professional growth opportunities within the District.
We will welcome your questions, comments or concerns once the program is up and running again.
In Solidarity