The protocol for resolving member to member conflict is intended to facilitate the resolution of interpersonal conflict between members of CUPE Local 411.
CUPE 411 members are a united collective of workers employed by Chilliwack School District #33. By mediating conflicts outside of the purview of administration, we strengthen our solidarity and promote a better working environment for all members, free from the fear of discipline or direction from management.
This protocol does not negate the rights or obligations members have under the Collective Agreements, Code of Ethics, Labour Law or the School Act.
When experiencing conflict with a CUPE member, CUPE 411 staff should contact their Union Representative to ensure the situation is covered by this protocol before proceeding. For example: It shall not be considered a breach of this protocol to report reasonable grounds for suspecting child abuse to proper authorities according to legal provisions and official protocol requirements. If in doubt, contact your union representative for clarification.
Step One
Should a concern or dispute arise between members of CUPE 411, members are encouraged to resolve the matter between themselves.
Step Two
Should the matter not be resolved at Step One, a member may request the assistance of a Union Representative who will facilitate a voluntary meeting with the parties and attempt to resolve the dispute. Additional meetings may be scheduled if requested.
Step Three
Should the matter not be resolved at Step Two, mutually agreeable and voluntary mediation may be arranged by the CUPE 411 President or their designate.
Step Four
If the matter is not resolved at Step Three, the member’s Union Representative will advise the other parties of their intention to meet with management to discuss the difficulty.