Article No.21 titled SERVICE IMPROVEMENT FUND is a new piece of language to our Collective Agreement. This came as a result of the Service Improvement Fund language located in the Provincial Framework Agreement, that saw each district receive a set amount of funds specific to their districts composition; the allocation of these funds was then to be negotiated between the parties at the local level. During bargaining the Employer and the Union were able to agree on three ways to use these funds to enhance service to the District:
- Skills, Training and Enhancement Fund
- Clerical Hours Fund
- Additional EA Hours Fund
Your Union has had representatives sit on committee’s for each of these funds and work collaboratively with the Employer to develop the various “Terms of Reference” to help guide the process for creating the criteria in which these funds are to be used as well as for the access, distribution, and accountability of these monies.
While we recognize we are working on something from the ground up, and changes may need to be made from time to time, the work we have done thus far has not only been productive but promising as well. By maintaining an open, honest, and respectful dialogue this will continue to hold all of us committed to the spirit in which this language was created.
We will provide a more detailed update on each of these funds in the days to come.
In Solidarity