If you are a 10-Month member we hope that you are able to enjoy some much deserved R&R during the Spring Break, and for our 12-Month member we hope this gives you an opportunity to catch up on work that has been put-off due to excessive day-to-day workloads. If time permits please take a moment to have a read of the CUPE Quarterly – March 2021.
We also have the latest K-12 Bulletin for you to peruse, K-12 Bulletin – No.57 – March 11, 2021.
Your Union was also sent the latest BC CDC – School Sector Update – March 11, 2021 and while there is useful information in this document the Union does takes issue with some of the statements made. However, we feel that it is important to share information and permit our members to decide for themselves what the facts really are when it comes to COVID-19.
We have also received inquiry from a number of members pertaining to the availability of vaccine for support staff working in the K-12 system. While your Union fully recognizes that school aged children do transmit this virus to adults, we are dealing with public agencies that does not believe this to be the case and as such any energy spent on advocating for this would be wasted. We do however want to encourage members that have tested positive for COVID-19, and believe they contracted the virus from their workplace, to file the appropriate WSBC documentation in order to be financially compensated while absent from work, recovering from this virus. I think we speak for most support staff in expressing how grateful we all are to students and their families for approaching members directly to inform them of possible exposures thus ensuring we are not then putting vulnerable family members unknowingly at risk.
In Solidarity