ESG = Employee support grant
ESO = Essential services order
This information has been provided to us from the BCPSEA
When is the ESG to be paid to employees?
The initial payment is due within thirty (30) days of ratification of a collective agreement. No payments are to be made until there is a ratified collective agreement. Ratification is required by the local union, the local board of education, and BCPSEA. BCPSEA will commit to ratification within 48-72 hours provided there is an approved costing of the collective agreement for any monetary matters outside of the Framework Agreement.
Do we need to wait until November 30 or until all collective agreements have ratified?
School districts may proceed with payment of the ESG as soon as full ratification of their collective agreement has taken place.
Are only full strike/lockout days covered by the ESG?
No. All scheduled hours that the employee would have worked and for which the employee has not otherwise been paid are covered. However, please see the question below for further clarification on where/when to draw funds.
Is the time covered by the ESG considered pensionable by the Municipal Pension Plan?
A picket was established after support staff had commenced their shift. Do they receive the ESG grant if they stop working because of the picket?
While we do not agree that employees have the right to “down tools” to respect a picket line, if their shift has already commenced, on a without prejudice basis BCPSEA, advises the following:
Scenario one: Support staff commence work in the morning and a picket is erected a short time afterwards (e.g., 30 minutes after the start of shift). Support staff stop working, leave to respect a picket line, and do not return to work for the rest of their shift.
The employee will receive no pay for that day (including the example of 30 minutes worked) through the regular payroll run. Instead, the employee will receive pay for the full scheduled shift from the ESG (once the local agreement is ratified).
On a case by case basis there will be consideration for an employee who works a significant portion of their shift prior to pickets being erected.
Scenario two: Support staff commence their shift and a picket is erected at recess and/or lunch. Support staff stop working and leave to respect a picket line. They return to work as scheduled for the time between recess and lunch as well as after lunch.
The employee will receive pay for the full shift through regular payroll. Therefore there will be no payment received from the ESG.
Note: Essential Service Orders may determine that some employees’ work is deemed essential over recess or lunch (where normally scheduled), in which case they also are paid as per normal payroll
Do ROEs have to be re-done?
Response pending from Service Canada.
Do the ESG payments affect Employment Insurance eligibility?
Response pending from Service Canada.