2025 School Trustee By-Elections are Underway

On Monday February 17, 2025, the CUPE 411 executive messaged all three candidates one question:

As per the BCSTA website: “As employers, school districts have a legal responsibility for oversight of their management, teaching and support staff. For unionized staff, the terms and conditions of the relationship are established through legislation, board policy, and in collective agreements. Boards of education represent the employer in this relationship.
Please share, in 100 words or less, how you (as a Trustee) can support CUPE 411 members. Please provide an example of why you believe CUPE support staff are important members of School District 33.

Here are their responses (in order of when they were received):

Katie Bartel (02/17/25)
“As Trustee, I will advocate for CUPE 411 members to ensure their essential contributions are recognized and supported. CUPE members play a vital role in meeting students’ academic and emotional needs, whether they’re the first face students see at school or on the bus, keeping spaces clean, or supporting learning. I’ve seen how EAs help my daughter thrive. I’m passionate about advocating for collaborative prep time between EAs and teachers, stronger strategies to reduce the challenges EAs face daily, and increased recruitment and training to meet our schools’ growing needs. CUPE members deserve resources and respect from the School Board.”

Laurie Throness (02/19/25)
“If elected as a School Board member who must sit on the management side of the negotiating table, I will negotiate fairly and in good faith with their bargaining agents, and I will always thank and appreciate support staff.  Our District couldn’t function without them.
I will pay special attention to support staff safety in schools, to academic achievement for their children, and I will protect and defend their interests as taxpayers.”

Shane Kooyman (02/20/25)
“I sincerely feel that CUPE 411 members are an unshakeable pillar of our school community in School District 33. Your endless efforts—be it through offering additional assistance to students with disabilities, maintaining settings tidy and safe, or pushing the struggle for improved wages and terms of employment—better reflect the spirit of commitment and solidarity. As your representative, I vow that your voices will be heard in every and all board decisions, working to build a transparent, accountable system valuing your knowledge and work. We can build a more just, responsive education system that respects and rewards your hard work together.”

We want to thank all three candidates for their responses.

We encourage all our members to vote in the by-election, as a democratic right, and as a responsible citizen of the community.

Please see the following website for local voting dates, times, and locations: https://www.chilliwack.com/main/page.cfm?id=2446


The next January 2025 – Regular Meeting Notice is taking place on Saturday, January 18, 2025, starting at 9:30am in the second floor Seminar room at 8472 Harvard Place, we hope that you are able to join us and immediately following that meeting we will be holding an Election for the Transportation Division Bargaining Committee Representative.  Members from the Transportation Division are the only ones eligible to sit in and cast a vote so we encourage as many members to come out and actively participate in this process.

We will also be holding an Election for the Maintenance Division Bargaining Committee Representative on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 starting at 3:30pm in the lunch room at the Facilities Department.  Members from the Maintenance Division are the only ones eligible to sit in and cast a vote, so again we encourage as many members to stop in after work and actively participate in this process.

We would also like to send well wishes for a very Happy & Healthy New Year to all our members!

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive

CUPE411/SD33 – 2025 Mentoring Program

We are looking for both Mentors and Mentees for this Union/Employer initiative as such we are now accepting applications for the 2025 Mentorship Program.  This program is open to all Special Needs and Indigenous EA’s, CYCW, and Clerical, we would also consider applications from WEX Facilitators.

What is Mentoring?
Mentoring is a relationship based process where the mentor and the mentee have a shared commitment of time and effort to developing skills and knowledge, the goal of this process is to help someone reach their full potential by providing objective advice, feedback and encouragement.

What is a Mentor? 
A Mentor is an experienced individual who provides guidance and support to another person.  They are often older and wiser with established credibility and a track record of success in their respective fields.
Mentorship Application

What is a Mentee?
A Mentee is an individual who receives guidance and support from a more experienced and/or knowledgeable person.
Mentee Application

This is a great opportunity for those with a wide breadth of knowledge and experience to share that with their junior counterparts.  Mentors are not meant to be teacher’s or coach’s but rather a trusted advisor offering insight, encouragement and constructive feedback.  For the Mentee this provides a resource that you can lean into when facing challenging situations and help fill up that toolbox so that when a difficult situation presents itself you will be well equipped to respond.

Deadline for submission is December 20, 2024, for more information regarding this program please feel free to call, 604-392-1411 or email, unionoffice@cupe411.ca and we would be more than happy to answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411

CUPE 411 Christmas Event

  • The party is confirmed for Saturday, December 14th , 5:00pm at Flashback Brewery on Mill St.
  • Tickets available to CUPE 411 members only.
  • Hors d’oeuvres and non-alcoholic refreshments will be served by CUPE; beer, wine, and other alcoholic drinks can be purchased at the brewery.
  • The ticket price is $10.00, or preferably a wrapped gift of similar value for the White Elephant gift exchange we will be holding at the party.
  • You can register for the event at our website under the “Member Engagement Event Registration”. Confirmation of your ticket will be made after purchase. Gift drop off or payment can be made at the union office. We will be accepting ticket purchases up until the 12th, or until all tickets have been sold.

Time Sensitive – Membership Update

Additional information was sent out to the following members via email on Friday, November 8, 2024 regarding Bargaining and Casual Replacements.

The following were details sent specifically to permanent and casual members from the Assistants and Clerical divisions as the Union will be hosting an election for a bargaining rep from each division as follows:

Clerical – November 14, 2024 from 6:30-6:45pm at 8472 Harvard Place (2nd Floor Seminar Room)

Assistants – November 14, 2024 immediately following the General Membership meeting (approx. 8:00pm) at 8472 Harvard Place (2nd Floor Seminar Room)

We also sent out a survey to all our casual members inquiring about the call-out process and we would welcome your responses and feedback on this, on or before November 20, 2024.

In Solidarity

NOTE:  Members wishing to submit a letter allowing their name to stand for either of the above noted bargaining representative positions must send such correspondence to unionoffice@cupe411.ca before 4:00pm on Thursday, November 14, 2024.  Please know that someone attending the meeting must still nominate you for the said position.

General Membership Meeting Reminder

Just a friendly reminder of the upcoming general membership meeting.  We will be hosting this meeting in-person at the Union office as we have elections that we need to run for both the Clerical and Custodial Shop Steward Vacancies and we are also hoping to present the 2025 Budget for approval.

We also intend to run elections for the Assistants and Clerical Bargaining representatives, more details on this will be shared out with members of those respective divisions next week.

Important Member Updates…..

The Union has been made aware of various surveys, questionnaires and discussions that have been taking place with our members and requesting that they disclose private/personal information.  An email went out to all members today for consideration.

We also want members to be aware that while the BC Government did bring into legislation the “Pay Transparency Act“, their website clearly states that the request for such information is VOLUNTARY! (see below)

How will gender information be collected and used for reporting?

It is recommended that employers collect gender information from their employees according to the  Gender and Sex Data Standard in order to complete their pay transparency report. Employers must ensure employees are notified that the collection of gender information is for the purpose of preparing a pay transparency report and that their participation is voluntary.  If any employee chooses not to provide their gender information for the purpose of preparing the pay transparency report, their pay information will still be used to prepare the report, but their gender will be marked as ‘unknown’. Gender data and the prescribed pay information will be used to perform pay gap calculations for the pay transparency report.

We have also been receiving concerning inquires from members who are being advised that “District Staff Meetings” are mandatory for support staff to attend.  Again an email correspondence has gone out to all members advising them of their rights and entitlements as support staff in this regard.  EA’s cannot be directed to use their SIF hours as that time is allocated to EA’s and can only be used by mutual agreement between the member and their Supervisor. (see language in SIF Item No.1 of the below document)

2024 – 2025 Spring Break Minutes-LIF-SIF – Elem-Middle

Lastly, we want to remind members to review some of the District’s forms that pertain to Health and Safety, in particular Workplace Violence and Safety Plans, as some changes have been made to the documents, so please do not use forms from last year.  Documents can be found on the Employer’s SharePoint under Health & Safety or under Student Services.  We have been made aware of a number of violent incidents already this year, some of which have caused injury, so we want to make sure all our members are aware of the reporting process, how/where to access the correct forms, and what kind of follow up they can expect from the Employer or their Representatives and/or WSBC.  If you have questions, or would like to request copies of forms please email unionoffice@cupe411.ca and your request will be directed to the appropriate elected Union Official.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411


Member Update – September 2024

A September Update email has gone out to all members but given that not all members have personal emails registered with the local we want to make sure that you have access to the information that was sent out.

The Employer continues to push out these surveys/scans on employees from specific sites or departments,  please know that your participation is absolutely optional and you should never feel pressured to answer questions or engage in discussion. As soon as any organization feels that it needs to send around a survey (and tell employees that their replies will be kept confidential) they have already lost the war and have essentially given up on truly building trust on their team.  It is also important to note that how you respond to questions has the potential to negatively impact you the Employee, and/or the Union.

Every year the District provides a Collaboration opportunity to their employees, which of course includes our CUPE members and while we are not formal Educators, as support staff we do play a very significant role within the system.  Having the time and space to connect and work together on specific learning initiatives not only enhances our skill sets but also builds healthy working relationships.  Information pertaining to this Model is available on the Employers website.

With a Provincial General Election taking place on October 19, 2024, we want to encourage all our members to “Get out and VOTE”.  Please visit the Elections BC website for more information and just a few things to be aware of:

  • New Voting Process
  • Electoral District Boundary Changes
  • Candidate Lists
  • Voter Registration

Clerical Meeting – October 1, 2024 / 4:00pm at the Union Office (8472 Harvard Place, 2nd Floor Seminar Rm).  This meeting will be for all permanent and casual clerical as the issues within this division continue to mount and we want to try and help get a handle on things before any further damage is done.

With Collective Bargaining on the horizon the Union will be gearing up to strike their 2025 Bargaining Committee, we will be looking for a representative from each division; Assistants, Clerical, Custodial, Maintenance and Transportation.  We will be sending out information in the coming weeks on the Election process, but in the meantime if you have any questions you can always call, 604-392-1411 or email, unionoffice@cupe411.ca for more information.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 411 Executive

Member Update – July 2024

Just a few items that may be of interest to members:

Eligible regular-term (12-month) members who have not already submitted an application to the Health and Wellness Fund may do so between August 1-31, 2024.  The newest application form can be found on the Union’s website under the “Resources” tab in the menu, you will need to scroll down to find the link.  Members can also find an updated Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) document that should help provide clarity on a number of items.  All applications and supporting documents are to be emailed to unionoffice@cupe411.ca, any submissions outside of the designated intake periods will not be accepted, and only eligible applicants may apply.

A friendly reminder to members to continue to monitor Make a Future for job postings as we anticipate seeing a significant number of postings to be published in August.

Reminder to 10-month members whose assignments are seven (7) hours a day, five (5) days a week, to be mindful of how you want to work your additional twenty-five (25) hours for the 2024-2025 school year, as it may be to your benefit to use this time prior to the September 3rd school start date.  Please take a few minutes to review the Letter of Understanding (LOU) and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the Union office, 604-392-1411.

Lastly, a reminder to members that are still working over the summer months, should you find yourself in need of a medical leave or sustain a workplace injury and want to know what the appropriate next steps are that protect your best interest, please do not hesitate to reach out to a Union rep for guidance and support.

In Solidarity